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Javascripy Coding Help Needed!


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var result = Field("Firstname"); // replace with your first name field
if (Field("Salutation") != "") { // replace with your salutation field
  result = Field("Salutation) + " " + Field("Lastname"); // replace both fields as necessary
return result;

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The code above basically reads:


1) set RESULT equal to (value of) field Firstname.

2) if field Salutation is not equal to nothing (i.e. it has a value) RESULT equals (value of) field Salutation plus a space plus (value of) field Lastname

3) return value of RESULT


While a book will help you, I would suggest googling "javascript" with whatever it is you want to do first. It's more specific and cheaper! There are several sites that explain scripting to a new user. That's pretty much how I learned and if there's anything more complicated that a web page can show me, I ask on the forums. Good luck.

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if (Field("Salutation"))
   return Field("Salutation) + " " + Field("Lastname");
return Field("Firstname");

Or even:

return Field("Salutation") ? Field("Salutation) + " " + Field("Lastname") : Field("Firstname");

Or, getting really tricky:

return Field("Salutation") && Field("Salutation) + " " + Field("Lastname") || Field("Firstname");


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